One Reason I Think I Would Never Choose To Be Homeless For More Than A Few Nights! Before Deciding To EASILY Get Food, Shelter, And A Roof Over My Head Instead! Why People Choose To Live On The Streets! Note: This article is NOT what you think it will be. In a world of impossible house home prices, and where even the hardest working has to resort to food banks, If you did find yourself so disenfranchised that you were homeless, chances are then that you stuck in the cold open air for life! Totally pulled out of my Arse with no actual evidence I reckon your chances of being Brutally Raped, Beaten or Murdered on the Streets Vs Being Brutal, Raped, Beaten or Murdered in Prison are about the same. Except if you're Killed in Prison someone will have to do some paperwork, While if you go “Missing” on the street, there is a good chance no one will notice. Not a lot of extra meaning to your existence but at least it’s something. They say that most peo