! . OK It is NOW official, My PIP application is denied, . . My household now has £181 less a month. . The money I bring into this house has gone from, . £623 . Down to . £442 . . Now I have to look at my remaining options, . . Of which there is not many...... . I want to stay legal, honest and non-violent, So that crosses a crapload of options out for the area I live in already! . (By Legal I mean REALLY legal, Taking any cash in hand benefit cheating work DOES COUNT! It is morally wrong And IS Illegal!) . . Even if I could wave a Magic Wand and be mentally healthy enough to deal with "Normal" people, (Which I can not! Obviously!) . The unemployment rate up here is huge! Even if I did NOT have a Mental Illness "Did nothing" CV gap of over 20 years, . Who would hire a Fat unhealthy 46 year old with no experience instead of a stronger fitter 20-year-old with no experience instead! . . I have a 2.2 BA i