Do the government understand economics? Proper Economics is a bit more advanced and complex than mere Red and Black on a ledger. There is a bit more to it than just simple bookkeeping. You spend £1 less on Policing. You think "Great! I have saved £1!" But You have not! Instead of that, it has in real terms, cost you £5 in Increased Insurance Premiums, Consumer Confidence Reduction and Lowered Tax Revenue. ( The above is obviously a super oversimplified illustration. Because charting and explaining the real route of all the knock-on effects would be far too long and dry to post!) If the Tory Government really want to chase “Value for money” perhaps they should look at the ‘Privileged education’ they and their family go through. Because their problem-solving process would suggest that they and their kids are not getting value for money, they think they are getting!