! . Am I the only one...? Who very rarely...? Once in a long while...? Gets so pissed off...? . That they sometimes feel that NO LIFE MATTERS! . OF ANY TYPE! . And just want to scorch every living cell off the face of this planet instead? . Or is that just me when I crave caffeine? . ! . And before anyone judges me too harshly . I am POSITIVELY 100% SURE That everyone over the age of 30 Has felt that way at least ONCE! At some point in their life by now! . If you say that you haven't Then you are either a Liar to Yourself or a non-human living Saint! . ! . .... Or I have totally misunderstood all basic human nature all this time... . ...And I am far more mentally fucked up than I first thought. . BUT . Nah! . That can not be it! . Can it? . SURELY NOT? . . ! . AND NOW THE FIT EVERYTHING IN ONE SINGLE TWEET CHALLENGE! . I will try and sum up in just one single Tweet why I feel the way I do! . Ready.. . . GO! . . No faith in our race Forever Killing