You Need To See This! (Mental Health Trigger Warning!) DO NOT JUST BE ANGRY AND UPSET! LET YOURSELF BE AFFECTED! DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING! SPREAD THE LINK! WRITE A LETTER MAKE A CALL TO YOUR LOCAL POLITICIAN! DO A BLOG! TALK ABOUT IT! ADDRESS THE ISSUE! TELL PEOPLE AT THE PUB! JUST DO SOMETHING! (however small) (Because all us humans have an annoying tendency of looking at a crap or an unjust situation and complaining without committing to intervening themselves!). The only real difference between the 'Rosa Parks' of this world and everyone else is the Balls to say "screw this!" and decide to do something! Stay angry but take care you do not lose any of your empathy! "Daddy, my eyes. I can't see." 😞 A Syrian father comforts his son as he wakes up blind for the first time after an airstrike. Help a Syrian child: Www.justgivin