! . RAT RANT COMMENT: Alabama students throwing "CORVID Parties"! . Alabama students throwing "CORVID Parties" ! . Not new! . The late 80s had AIDs parties! . Some young men wanted the "Gift of AIDS!", . This is not intended in any way as a homophobic anti-gay comment! . This was a very small minority stupidity 'sport'! . BUT it might count as an anti "ALL OF HUMANITY" comment! . Because every time you think, people can not possibly get any stupider, some human group does our species equivalent of "Hold my beer"! . . Again, Super small minority! I can not obviously know what was in their heads. . But at a guess, I am thinking it might be like a world war one trench soldier who finds the stress of constant waiting too harsh so decides instead to charge the enemy alone to get (what they feel, is) the inevitable over with, . But that is only a guess, . . Humans have weird ways of dealing with