Well, it was either...
"Extinction Rebellion" in a single weekend of protest,
The fact that all their sales plummeted through the floor due to a lack of integrity and the constant systemic sensationalist lying over decades so no one trusted them anymore.
It was one of those two things,
Well, it was either...
"Extinction Rebellion" in a single weekend of protest,
The fact that all their sales plummeted through the floor due to a lack of integrity and the constant systemic sensationalist lying over decades so no one trusted them anymore.
It was one of those two things,
But who could possibly say for certain which it was for sure??
It is hard to be sympathetic to an industry that wantingly kept shooting itself in the foot.
The internet would never be able to compete with Newspaper Media 'IF' they had not ruined their own reputation.
As soon as the first person said,
The internet would never be able to compete with Newspaper Media 'IF' they had not ruined their own reputation.
As soon as the first person said,
"You can't believe all you read in the press"
.The idea that they could not be trusted took hold.
The 'cancer' that killed this industry should have been dealt with there and then and kept on top of.
Now it may be too late!
If you are a journalist that has lost your job.
Aks yourself
How much of that is YOUR fault?
How long into your first day on the job did you last...?
The 'cancer' that killed this industry should have been dealt with there and then and kept on top of.
Now it may be too late!
If you are a journalist that has lost your job.
Aks yourself
How much of that is YOUR fault?
How long into your first day on the job did you last...?
...Before you made your first compromise?
."Free ice cream" that taste of dog shit can never compete with "paid for ice cream" that taste nice.
If journalistic integrity quality standards had not fallen so low then the internet with all its fake news would not have been a factor.
But now both types of ice cream taste the same!
So, of course, people are going to now choose the free option.
Would you pay extra for a car that had no added quality value?!
If journalistic integrity quality standards had not fallen so low then the internet with all its fake news would not have been a factor.
But now both types of ice cream taste the same!
So, of course, people are going to now choose the free option.
Would you pay extra for a car that had no added quality value?!
Is not the supervillains or the superpowers!
Or the storylines in general...
The Most unbelievable part about the Superman universe now,
Is that that a "Writer" called "Lois Lane" that tries to uncover corruption and who is a groundbreaking investigative journalist with unbreakable integrity and a passion for the truth,
Can ever exist again?
THAT is NOW the hard part to swallow!
(Even "IF" she did exist she would have been "Legally" imprisoned for life halfway through ANY Superman story!)
Re-writing an 'official press release' and making two phone calls for some extra quotes,
It is a grade school PR exercise!
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