GEEK ATTACK! WAS Thanos VERY STUPID! OR VERY WISE??!! The Solution He COULD have used! AND the one reason he might not have chosen to use it! V3
GEEK ATTACK! WAS Thanos VERY STUPID! OR VERY WISE??!! The Solution He COULD have used! AND the one reason he might not have chosen to use it! The newest content is below the intro piece, Scroll past previous content a short way to get to it! (NOTE: NOT MY MEME! PURLEY POSTED TO SHOW WHAT I AM REPLYING TOO!) I reckon Thanos WILL have made a load to new for the resources for the universe! BUT Let us assume the MCU abides by the rule that "energy cannot be created," But if energy cannot be created he would have to take the raw energy needed to create those resources from somewhere. Find something he deems expendable to reduce disassemble and to mere energy to redistribute to resource creation! I wonder where he could have gotten the extra energy to make those resources. Does anyone happen to have any bright ideas? PPS WAS Thanos VERY STUPID! OR VERY WISE??!! The Solution He COULD have us