Do NOT look at your hand to tell your sexuality! My system is MUCH BETTER and FAR MORE ACCURATE! . (A response to University OF Essex Research!) .
. Do NOT look at your hand to tell your sexuality! My system is MUCH BETTER and FAR MORE ACCURATE! . (A response to University OF Essex Research!) . . Today (19 oct 2018) The University Of Essex claimed to have done a study that can tell you sexuality by studying your fingers! . . The Independent feature is here, . . . . I know my spelling and grammar are sub-par, and that their research team have a shit load more qualifications than "ickl ol me" . But am I totally wrong in feeling this is tremendously stupid! . I have to admit I have not yet read this research but my initial gut reaction is that this sounds suspiciously bull shitty stuff, akin to Victorian Phrenology and Phys