! . It is fun to indulge yourself once in a while, . But I try not to spend too much time swapping insults and having an argument with people such as die-hard racist that are never ever going to be open to changing their minds! . For the same reason, I do not often clean my brother's garage. . Because it is his mess. . As much as it can be fun to “Put the tools away” it is not really great to use of time and energy. . I highly recommend setting a time limit for your “Out arguing the racist fun” so it does not eat up too much valuable time. . The time that is much better spent doing research and math and statistics, the bare bones of facts that will eventually win any reasoned argument. . That why extremist always ‘round up’ and shoot all the “Intellectuals” first as soon as they get into power. . Because they know that reason, knowledge and thought are the real threats to their power base! . “Beware all those that would deny you knowledge, because in their heart they dream themsel