The REAL weird screwed up reason why EU membership is a good thing. (PS, Even pro-EU people will hate the answer.)
The REAL weird screwed up reason why EU membership is a good thing.
(PS, Even pro-EU people will hate the answer.)
Let us cut straight to the point,
We are going to have to eventually have a world government.
Not for just for hippy style world peace.
But for real practical reasons.
It happens well within the next thousand years OR we all die as a species.
That simple
I do not like this fact either!
The proud kingdom of Northumbria with is own kings history and culture eventually for very practical reason had to be absorbed into becoming part of the united kingdom.
China, Germany, India, Greece all were once made up of loads of separate ickle kingdoms with proud separate identities that all had to eventually, despite all resistance become part of a greater whole.
And being part of the European Union is an unpleasant necessary step in that right direction.
I do not like globalism.
I actively hate it!
It is a horrendous concept that attacks and destroys individualism, freedom and personal identity.
But unless you are going to all on your own accord, globally, decide to only have just the one child per person (not just marriage, coupling or per union), from now till the end of time, then it is our only option as a species.
But we can not globally forever act as separate states.
At the moment, our survival as a species is constantly undermined by various nations all looking out for their national interest.
One country will take a crap load of toxic waste from another country for a quick hand full of cash.
I am fiercely proud of my grandfather and his killing of a shit load of Nazis,
It is a lovely warm satisfying feeling to be proud of my nation and flag.
But guess what.
All the other countries (even the ones without any real good reason) also feel special and proud of their flags too.
So someone is lying to someone else somewhere about the nature and specialness of their national identity.
You tell a random western couple on their wedding day that there is a 30% chance of all marriages ending in divorce,
They might feel it is a vaguely interesting well-known fact.
But if you re-word your statement and tell the same random western couple while she is still standing next to her partner in her wedding dress that they, personally, themselves have a 30% chance of ending in divorce,
Then even “IF” it is their each their third marriage, you are very likely to get yourself punched!
(Yeh I know the divorce rate is much higher than this, but I am trying to be kind.)
.Everyone personal ego makes them feel deep down inside know that they are the special universal exception.
By “Know” I actually mean “Deludes themselves”
And nationalism is exactly the same innate knowing that our country is super uniquely special.
By “Knowing” I actually mean “Deludes Ourselves”
Because no matter what country you are part of, UK, USA, China or any other dam place, at the end of the day a rag on a stick is still a rag on a stick.
Maths, Facts, Figures, Water, Food, Power (as in consumable energy), Population, are the only real practical things that exist and that really matter!
Feeling “special” will not fill your child's dinner plate!
If our world population is going to continue to grow at all (even the smallest bit over the longest time) then we will need unified world solutions not bogged down with the various individual national interest.
Unless you all are going voluntarily going to stop feeling that having children is a human right.
Belts are going to get tighter!
World resources are going to inevitably run out!
When good people get desperate, Then bad things happen!
Very bad things!
So I repeat my deeply uncomfortable unpleasant statement,
We are going to have to eventually have a world government.
Not for just for hippy style world peace.
But for real practical reasons.
It happens well within the next thousand years OR we all die as a species.
(NOTE: "Well within" a thousand years!)
(Try thinking closer towards only a mere 200 years rather than the given maximum!)
That simple
I also hate this fact!
It is far better if it happens through diplomacy rather than through “fire and sword”.
Being part of the European Union is an unpleasant necessary step in that right direction.
Because in today's modern world our “Swords” are far too sharp and can take out entire cities with a single push of a button.
And our modern war “Fire" burns blindingly blue and leave a shit load of gamma radiation.
Do not shoot the messenger!
If you also hate globalism then give me realistic alternative solutions, not just your own problems!
(Try thinking closer towards only a mere 200 years rather than the given maximum!)
That simple
I also hate this fact!
It is far better if it happens through diplomacy rather than through “fire and sword”.
Being part of the European Union is an unpleasant necessary step in that right direction.
Because in today's modern world our “Swords” are far too sharp and can take out entire cities with a single push of a button.
And our modern war “Fire" burns blindingly blue and leave a shit load of gamma radiation.
Do not shoot the messenger!
If you also hate globalism then give me realistic alternative solutions, not just your own problems!
The REAL weird screwed up reason why EU membership is a good thing.
(PS, Even pro-EU people will hate the answer.)
Do not shoot the messenger!
If you also hate globalism then give me realistic alternative solutions, not just your own problems!
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