. Hint for "Rebels": Needlessly Updated . <The sore head facepalm update!> Because it has been made painfully, brain achingly, clear that I was not obvious enough! . If you dislike a company for some reason & they are 'floated' Buy a single share in their stock . As a Shareholder, you are entitled to information that will help you in both your research into them & the 'painting' of potential protest targets . It's not about harassing management, . It is instead about nice glossy investor report access and sitting quietly in any shareholders meeting you can get to. . It is about staying unnoticed and feeding information to your allied group (whoever that may be) . The LAST thing you ever want is to make a noise and be noticed! . If all you want to do is harass management then You are thinking up and down when you need to be thinking sideways. . For Example, You don't need to be directly told where a new research facility is, you jus