#NHSCrisis THE GREAT NHS GIVEAWAY! UPDATE! I am doing this! Just one rule! ONLY accept and take completely FREE treatments, If it cost even a single penny then refuse to buy it! Whos with me! Even if I am a just lone nut out here screaming against the darkness unsupported! I am doing it anyway! NO COMPROMISE! If we give an inch they will take a mile! Please Read Caroline J Molloy's Article, The NHS, cuts and privatisation – an emergency but not an accident https://labourlist.org/2018/03/the-nhs-cuts-and-privatisation-an-emergency-but-not-an-accident/ There is also this article. From TruPublica Demolition of UK welfare state planned with corporate America http://truepublica.org.uk/united-kingdom/demolition-uk-welfare-state-planned-corporate-america/ Plus this from the Mirror . 'Selling off NHS for profit': Full list of MPs with links to private healthcare firms https://www.mirror.co.uk/news