. What the F was I thinking! Really? . Really? THAT was my master plan? . Trying to win bits of competition cash from VOCAL? What the hell am I? A delusional 12-year-old? . I am Not, in any way meaning to be throwing ‘shade’ (as the kids are now calling it) at VOCAL. VOCAL is a good site. The only so-called “Shade” I am casting, is at my own dam self! How stupid am I? The same applies to any other competitions put out there, by ANY other site. . Having “Winning Contest” as part of your overall business earning plan is sheer madness! Not cool “SPARTA” type madness. Instead, the much sadder, sticking your head in a blender full of acid and calling yourself Napoleon style madness! . For some reason, as part of my effort to be a successful freelance writer, I felt that paying a membership fee and entering contests was somehow a good idea. Winning at least a few hundred a month on average was the basis of my solo earning strategy. (Deep embarrassed facepalm!) . DO NOT GET ME WRONG! Supporti