A "Theory" is only ever "Theory" until it is conclusively proven,
Until then, there is no "Right" or "Wrong" by the very definition that people are still calling it a mere "Theory",
Just saying...!
However Some May Say,
A "theory" is always a "theory" because no matter how conclusively we believe something has been proven there is always a chance our best understanding of it is floored.
To Which I Say
True, But no "theory" is as deeply floored as a very deep mine shaft.
Has as many floors as a very tall building!
(But it is still only a theory)
A "Theory" is only ever "Theory" until it is conclusively proven,
Until then, there is no "Right" or "Wrong" by the very definition that people are still calling it a mere "Theory",
Just saying...!
However Some May Say,
A "theory" is always a "theory" because no matter how conclusively we believe something has been proven there is always a chance our best understanding of it is floored.
To Which I Say
True, But no "theory" is as deeply floored as a very deep mine shaft.
Has as many floors as a very tall building!
( I am sorry for the VERY bad 'Flawed' pun )...
...But only "Theoretically Sorry"
"A theory is subjective and not objective."
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