. My honest opinion is this. . Life is NOT sacred. My life is Not sacred (I am disposable) No Human life to me is innately sacred (I am Not a pacifist) Problems are things to be solved. And Certain types of people such as "Nazis" (for example) are just "mere things" that are problems to be solved. If I do not innately value Human life...? ...What chance do you think there is of Me valuing any Animal life? . Things die It is what they do. Many a philosopher has come to the conclusion that "Conscious life IS pain!" Therefore, IF "Life" = "Pain" There is only one logical solution to ending all suffering in the universe. . In moments of deep mental illness I feel that I hear the screams of the world. And I want it, (one way or another) to stop. Forever... But I will never have the power to ever make that happen. But If I had a magic button to end all life... ...I would press it in less than 30 seconds of pause! . And before you judge me too