. Science as Heresy? . The entire notion of "Scientific Heresy" is an ethically problematic one! Publishing papers that are easily accepted and that do not challenge the peers that review them, for the sake of "Professional Career Building Expediency" is NOT good Academia! A Scientist at a place of learning and discovery should NOT just behave as mere priests desperate to maintain the integrity of an established school of thought, or "faith" for a belief system! Unfortunately, THIS crap! - Has held the progression of humanities knowledge back by a few hundred years! Ask yourselves, "Why is it so important to crush all rogue academics"? "Why is it wrong to challenge and question"? And in places of so-called high learning, "Why, the hell, are these questions even so necessary"? You are supposed to be a university that looks and seeks NOT a blindly following church! Be a real scientist NOT a pseudo-monk with a bad habi