! . I am trying to decide whether to complete the books I have started and signed up I could live with the lack of financial reward IF I had a large enough audience eager to read them I just need to feel that the emotional rewards for the time and effort was a bit closer to what I get for my Art Work. . What musician would want to pack a van with gear Travel 50 miles Set up on stage And then play to an empty room?? Then have to pack and travel all the way back. . When faced with the choice of 3 hours to make an A2 picture for £50 Vs Writting 50k of words over 50 hours for $50 to be only followed by less than 10 people. . Which am I going to choose? . Which would you choose in my shoes? . I made in value over £300 pounds from my art and have my first gallery opening (shared with another artist) soon. . Money made from Writting Books, Articles on Vocal, etc etc,$20 over 3 months. . It is not as much about ego, It is far more about