(Update at end of the original article,)_ ( 18th April 2018!) Should We Be Bombing Syria? Current Personal Thoughts (so far until new facts emerge) As of 16th April 2018-04-16 I totally agree with the sentiments of Michael Rosen. I also equally totally disagree with Michael Rosen. His Post Here! I think the correct term here is Ambivalence. On the one hand, Michael Rosen is right in terms of our tendency in the west to have Arrogant Imperialist / Manifest Destiny senses of entitlement to judge and interfere. One the other, You can’t stand by and watch innocents being attacked with chemical weapons. It smacks too much of the act of complicity ‘vie inaction’ of the international community during the early holocaust atrocities of World War Two. This is the Main question that pops to mind, “Excuse Or Reason?” “Honey I’, going for a walk!” Excuse: I need exercise. Reason: I want to go to the pub to get away from my screaming kids!