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I must be old and out of touch...

. Random Internet person: "Cheating in 2024 is not physical. sending that friend request, liking their story, hiding text messages. You're already beyond cheating." . ME: I must be old and out of touch... ....Are we just talking about normal conversations about mundane general life stuff and sharing comedy cat memes here? Like any other friend? Or am I missing something here? Because I want to be In a relationship without any needless insecurity on either side. . Random Internet person: "Excuses" . ME: Nope, Married for 30 years and was never unfaithful. Divorced now. Been single for 2 years. My ex-wife is still the last person I kissed. So, as I said, "I must be old and out of touch.." . Even as my marriage fell apart I would not have been unfaithful, Not because of how I felt about her, (she can rot in hell) But instead because of how I feel about myself! - I have too much sense of honour, pride and personal discipline to use a bad relationship as a

Learning something deeply esoteric.

. I saw a brief story about someone learning something deeply esoteric. . I suddenly felt a familiar creepy cold sensation on a new part of myself opening. . Then I told myself, . "Hang on?" "Before I open a new can of perceptual worms," "Let's apply my own version of Plato's 3 Sleeves vs. Rumours." "But this time altered for little figurative golden bumble bees." . "One: will this new revelation make me happy?" . "Well, no," my spirit said. . "Ok" "Fair enough, personal happiness is not the most important thing anyway" "Two: will this new knowledge make others happy?" . "No" replied my higher self "It won't" . "Ok, then" "Three: will this 'greater insight' help people?" (Because making people happy and helping them are often not the same thing.) . "Again, no" my deeper self-admitted. . "So you want to unlock a new part o

THEY WANT US TO HATE EACH OTHER! - But who are "they"?

. THEY WANT US TO HATE EACH OTHER! . But who are "they"? "They" are largely (but not completely) NOT some conspiracy, or secret world government order. "They" are mostly (but not completely) NOT some level of World Bank or a bunch of evil CEOs. "THEY" are NOT the demons of hell or wicked spirits from beyond. . - "THEY" are something else - "THEY" are something much worse! So much worse! Something FAR more powerful! Something NASTIER, that makes Angels, Devils and Demons tread lightly. The Scariest Power in the Multiverse! Something that makes satan cry with fear and that makes god sweat with worry. . "THEY"! . - "THEY, are instead, the parts within us who feel insecure and who 'match in time' to fit in. - "THEY" are the lazy part of us that don't ask inconvenient questions. - "THEY" are the cowardly parts of us that are too scared to defend others. - "THEY, are instead, the

I was stupid enough to join the eHarmony dating site

 . In a moment of weakness I was stupid enough to join the eHarmony dating site Now I am stuck paying £13 On contract. Until the 19th of July 2026. I am a Total Fucking Idiot! . It is NOT eHarmony’s fault, That I am a totally undatable toilet of a subhuman being. You can’t make scrambled eggs with dog shit No matter how fancy your algorithms are! . .

“Hawk Tuah girl”A Ross E F Lombardi parody, Using the tune "Uptown Girl"...

. “Hawk Tuah girl” A Ross E F Lombardi parody, Using the tune "Uptown Girl" by Billy Joel. . ooooo . Hawk Tuah girl She’s been living in her Hawk Tuah world I bet she never had to try I bet her momma told her exactly why . I’m pissed off the Hawk Tuah girl She’s been living in her Hawk Tuah world She just took the chance while she can And now I am stuck as a jealous man Thats what I am . And when she saw it And took the chance that she could And she used it Just as anyone would . Being a creative's tough Just because - I’m not as good - As a Hawk Tuah girl . I’ve seen her in her Hawk Tuah world Getting all of this success. While my life’s is a big hot mess . She made a choice . oooooo . Hawk Tuah girl You know I can’t compete with that girl But maybe - If reality kicks in I'll understand what kind of fool, I've been And just give in. . And while I work And make art all the time And I write stuff And sometimes it rhymes . Being a creative's tough But she got t

"...on the dance floor." A poem By Ross E F Lombardi (VID Version)

"...on the dance floor." a poem By Ross E F Lombardi.

. "...on the dance floor." By Ross E F Lombardi . I need to dance sometimes. But the reasons why are never seen. . I do not dance to find a date. If I like some woman, Then it will be because of a cool connecting conversation, Not just because we met on some dance floor. . I do not dance because I think that I am good at dancing. What anyone else thinks of my dancing is not my problem. ...Or at least... ...It should not be... . I dance to fight... But not in the way you might think... . I am always fighting on the dance floor. No one else is harmed, No bouncers involved No cops called Alone or in a crowd, I am still dancing alone. . But not dancing. Fighting. Fighting on the dance floor against a thug. A thug no one else can perceive. . I am fighting on the dance floor. Not just fighting. I am fighting For My Life on the dance floor. Against the ass hole that is trying to kill me. . Dancing is my weapon. If I lose - I get murdered. If I lose I die. . Dodging the sadness. Bloc

The Philippa Foot Trolly Ethical Dilemma SOLVED!

! The Philippa Foot Trolly Ethical Dilemma SOLVED! . Two tracks One has five people on and the trolly will hit and kill them all. The other track has only one person on and YOU can switch the tracks! Not switching the tracks lets five people die! However... Switching the track saves five lives but YOU have killed someone! . . MY VIEW: . EASY! Switch the track . - Morally, Inaction is still a decision that you have made. . Deciding NOT to act makes you responsible and guilty for 4 extra deaths than there could have been! . - Sometimes you must make the hard call that others will not, at any and all costs. . - AND then you must not shirk from either the internal self-inflicted cost of your own nightmares OR of the external harsh judgement of the world at large. You have to do what is right AND then pay all the debts due! ! . The ethical dilemma is ignoring the fact that Inaction  (Eg keeping your head down and not protesting or getting involved in fighting a social injustice)  IS STILL a

What a Random person says. Translation of what they really mean: AND My answer (the polite version):

. What a Random person says. Translation of what they really mean: AND My answer (the polite version): . . What a Random person says. . “You look stupid” “I am only saying this to be nice” “Someone should warn You, that you are just embarrassing yourself” “Why don't you have more respect for yourself than that” . . Translation of what they really mean: . “I don’t like what you are doing” “You are making ME cringe and uncomfortable” “Why don’t you Respect ME and MY opinion of what you are doing!” “I don’t approve” “I think I am cool and that you should want to impress me.” “I feel you should respect and obey me and my authority.” “CONFORM!” . . My answer (the polite version): . “It's not ME that I do not respect” “I have plenty of self-respect” “It is You and your opinions that I have absolutely No respect or regard for.” “Because I don’t think you are ‘cool’ –“ “You are not my leader” “I am not your follower” “I don’t need your approval or for you to like me” “Your cringe issue

50 inch to 'thinner' reveal. Done WITHOUT any gym membership!

Answer these questions honestly. BUT Do not post your answers

. OK Personal reality check time… Answer these questions honestly Do not post your answers Posting your answer in public will cause you to lie to yourself. – just ask yourself when you are next alone with your thoughts. . If a very average-looking man, Not good looking Not bad looking Just average. Was witnessed by you, risking their own life, to save someone helpless. If they asked you out? Would you date them? . If that same man, Looking exactly the same, Doing exactly the same brave thing. But they were homeless And they asked you out? Would you still date them? . OR . If a very average-looking man, Not good looking Not bad looking. Just average. Had lots of money. Asked you out? Would you date them? . If that same rich man, Looking exactly the same, Was the CEO of a company That made something or did something that although totally legal, Was also evil or made or did something evil, Based on his successful leadership and ruthless core values? And they asked you out? Would you stil

Mere Looks


Dear child of the world, You must know and accept this...

.      Dear child of the world You must know and accept that there will always be someone less well-off than you. You must know and accept that there will always be someone with more than you. There will always be those both more beautiful and uglier than you are. There will always be those with more money or less money than you have. There will always be those blessed with more charm than you and those with less charm than you. There will be those who are loved more than you and those who are less loved than you. And you must know and accept this simple thing and remember one core universal truth among all others. Which is simply this… …My fellow human… .   . hate them all equally. burn this fucking world to the fucking ground then sew the ground with anthrax, nuclear waste, and then salt… all humans are innately crap and no one is worth saving… burn it all down… HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! …every last mother fucking cunt one of them …and revel in every single tear of others… fucking shit


? ARE YOU TIGGERED? ? LOL!  - Allways!  - About everything  - That is how dangerous mental illness works!  - I go to bed suicidally depressed  - and I wake up each morning homicidally enraged!  - There is no kudos or any victory in ripping a wet tissue paper any more than there is any honourable victory in triggering me!  - HELL!  LOL!  I get triggered over the peeling of an orange or over wiping my own ass!  - Either as a victim or perpetrator I am a murder waiting to happen. - (let's hope it is as a victim) - -  Just Thank goodness I live in the UK with gun control laws!  - If I lived in the USA a load of people would have died by now!  (People like me are why USA gun laws are stupid!) . . Seriously!  I am so utterly disposable with absolutely no value, it has become hilarious!  It actually makes me giggle now!  For In a world full of losers!  - No one is more worthless and less deserving of life than ME!  FFS!  LOL! . . I... cannot be, do not want to be, & refuse to be save

I only do 5 sit-ups a day.

. As told to me by someone I know: But you have probably never met him. . . "I am just a harmless flabby, soft-spoken 50-year-old! Honest! I am no threat to anyone! - I only do 5 sit-ups a day. - And that can take up to 10 minutes on a good day!" . . I do them very slowly. . It takes me ages to do them! And I am very tired and short of breath afterwards! . I do them very slowly. . With a 5 Lb weight parallel to my head in each hand. Elbows kept at 90 degrees and straight forward at the shoulders, So they are held out in front of me. . While standing up, Feet at shoulder width, knees bent just enough to feel it slightly, . Soon I might try ten sit-ups a day. But only 5 of each, Stood on just one of my legs each time. The other leg pulled up behind me, so the knee is pointed straight down. . Again very, Very, VERY slowly, As slow as I can, Holding midway at times, To feel every little bit of resistance. Trying to spend 2 minutes on each sit-up. . Then I move on to all the other

Ewwww god?

! Ewwww god?  YUCK! <lower case 'g' on purpose out of intentional disrespect>  god can kiss my fat hairy smelly ass!  god is evil  - he is just as evil as saten  <lower case 's' on purpose out of intentional disrespect>  but with a better PR department. . Someone needs to tell god to "fuck off!" I don't mean atheist I mean believers! Both god and satan! Both of you "FUCK OFF!" and leave us mortals the hell alone! . .

Sometimes people say you're a bad person...

. Sometimes people say you're a bad person so they don't feel guilty about the things they did to you. ...And sometimes they are right ...And sometimes they learn that you can take all the hits and just shrug them off. You can ignore the buzzing of irritating insects You are disposable and don't really care what happens to you. You know you are not good and that you deserve it. . Sometimes people say you're a bad person so they don't feel guilty about the things they did to you. ...And sometimes they are right ...And sometimes they learn that you do NOT mess with those you see as 'under your protection' You will not ignore a threat to those who are 'under your protection' You can put your real self 'in a box' at the back of your mind and coldly do 'terrible things' You know you are not good and can never be a good person Because a 'good' person cannot do such 'terrible things' . Sometimes people say you're a bad pe

those seeking an empty cheap pseudo-wisdom ego thrill

. . It’s so unfunny how, “You have the power to change” “It's Your responsibility to change, work to improve yourself” & “Accept and love Yourself as You are” …are All so instantly and tritely interchangeable. By those seeking an empty cheap pseudo-wisdom ego thrill At Your expense. Such little words are so very easy to spew out But then again, <shrug> Bullshitting others in need to feel more ‘valid’ always was… .

They do NOT live here (vid link)

In case anyone was wondering why I am not leaving the flat as much, lately.

. In case anyone was wondering why I am not leaving the flat as much, lately. I don't get embarrassed the way others do and I feel I have nothing to lose, so I'll just be brutally honest - However bad it looks. You might feel my reasons are silly or immature, but they are real to me. . Basically For me, Trying for for any success, just for myself is not enough If I am not part of a couple, then I think "Why bother." I have been single (after 30 years marriage) for 18 months or more now. After this long, I am starting to give up. And the more I give up on being loved The less I want to leave the flat . I find social situations too far stressful - for so little chance of meeting anyone 'special', ever. . Most people think this is a silly outlook. And whether that is true or not - it is who I am. . I am not meant or built for "single life" It does not make me feel "free" It just makes me feel like an incomplete half a person. After I have d

The next stage of "Religion"

. - The next stage of "Religion" will NOT be organized OR have social media pages, leaders or structures that would be recognized as such, of ANY kind. - Including these ones set before you NOW. - DO NOT FOLLOW ANYONE! - DONATE NOTHING (that is not for those in need!) - And ALWAYS suspect everyone but yourself of being a fake prophet for profit! - YOU ARE YOUR OWN CHURCH! YOUR OWN TEACHER, AND YOUR OWN SACRED GROUND! - NO ONE ELSE! . . ...take a hint and take the harder, more difficult path instead!  - Feeling lost, alone and in chaos is a good start. -  Not a bad thing!  - Be "THE HERMIT", alone and lost with only your inner lantern for guidance  - And do not follow any external "HYROPHANT!" . There are no higher perceptions or lower perceptions - Just perceptions There are no higher planes of existence or lower planes of existence - Just planes of existence There is no higher self or Lower self - Just self. There is no higher and lower - There is no gr

Do NOT bother "Stealing" other people's romantic partners

 ! Do NOT bother "Stealing" other people's romantic partners DO NOT BE A SUCH DUMB ASS! If they were Not faithful to them! THEN THEY WILL NOT BE FAITHFUL TO YOU! You are NOT some magical exception! Have some common sense! Cheaters CHEAT! You are far better off alone! . - "Man" "Woman" or "Other" / "Gay" "Straight" or "other" - Any cheater is 4X times more likely to cheat again than any non-cheater! This is not a Gender or Sexuality thing! It is a personal integrity and willpower thing! And either you have those things - or you don't!  If they don't! DUMP THEM! DUMP THEM NOW! Do Not look back! Never look back! !

To cut a long story short… NOT RECOMMENDED!

To cut a long story short… NOT RECOMMENDED!


. WHAT DO WOMEN WANT? The answer is frustratingly simple No man can speak for all men. And no woman can speak for all women. There is no magical "One thing" Everyone is a unique individual with their own tastes and rules. No one is a mere mass-produced labelled product. There is no one thing that applies to nearly half the entire human race. And to think that there is, or could be, - is just dumb ass! . But pretending to have an answer, Can make a couple of bucks sometimes... .


. THEY DO NOT LIVE HERE! By Ross E F Lombardi. . "This Cat?" "This Cat is not ours" "This Cat does not really live here..." "They just visit!" "Yes!" "We do open the door for them" "Yes" "He does like his own spot to sleep on" "Yes" "We do put a cushion on that spot to keep things tidy" "Yes" "We feed them" "Yes," "We Did get them their own bowl to save us using the human dishes" "Yes" "We did do the same for their water, for common sense hygiene reasons" "Well, Yes," "We did start getting a tiny bit of their own food," "We were shopping anyway and the food was kinda just there, so why not?" "Ok, Yes," "They did not like that food so now we get him the slightly nicer special food" "Well, Of course.." "They have a few cheap toys!" "It was the anniversary

How can I win? I have 3 options A ) and B ) and C )

. How can I win? I have 3 options A ) and B ) and C )  - But really only 2 options A ) and B )  And both of those are inadequate and flawed.  I can not see an option D ) yet... . IF... . A ) ...I isolate myself then the crushing loneliness makes me more and more sleazy as my sex drive hormones poison and corrupt my own perceptions and brain. . BUT IF... . B ) ...I leave the flat and try and be part of the world. My already slightly corrupted hormone-damaged personality and a last hopeful spark in me, Has far more opportunity to make some poor lass accidentally uncomfortable. - As I imagine shit that is not there. . While option... . C ) Ripping my own balls off is NOT an option! (And apparently ripping my own balls off - although proactive, also counts as self-harm and is therefore frowned upon by society.) . So? <Shrug> How can I win? I can't do both! I can't NOT be in two situations at once, both NOT in the flat AND NOT part of the world! I kinda have to do one of these


! So,   YES!   "THE BOYS" IS A SPOOF SATIRE!   !  How the hell is anyone so dense - So absolutely fucking stupid beyond belief that the name "Homelander" was NOT already a major fucking clue! - Even BEFORE the early scene where he blows up a plane with a child on board! - DAM! - HOW FUCKING STUPID ARE YOU! - Hey <shrug> If you hate intellectualism, fair enough that's your personal choice and call! - I won't judge you for that - That's your right to freedom of individual choice. But this is not rocket science here! This is very basic stuff that any idiot to immediately get! - If you did not see this straight away, then you do not have enough common sense to drive a motorized vehicle and should have your license confiscated! And maybe you should have someone else be in charge of wiping your arse while you're at it! Because if this shit was not obvious to YOU? - From episode one? Then you clearly need special headgear and to be supervised by a med

I am putting out an EP of 3 acapella songs.

. So, I am putting out an EP of 3 acapella songs. (That means just my singing voice and no music) It will be On All of the main music streaming services, including Spotify and Amazon Music. It will be available to stream and hear sometime after the next 48 hours. Good, bad, or terrible Either way <shrug> It is just a thing I am doing... . .

Social Anxiety (My version)

. Social Anxiety (My version) I am the small dark dude, faking a smile in the darkness. For me, - It is like this. Everything is too bright, too intense. Everyone around becomes too real and too fake at the same time. Then the hypervigilance kicks in. You try in vain to take in every little, small detail, all at once, and of course, it becomes overwhelming. Then the stupidest part happens You suddenly feel responsible for everyone's safety and go on some weird version of guard duty. (Which is idiotic because I am a just flabby 50-year-old) The best I can do is just get lost in the music and dance to distract myself Or let panic hit and head home to hide as quickly as possible. No one realises how hard it is to leave the flat, and then keep me out, sometimes. It is totally mental! It does not have to make sense, This is a mental illness. . . . .


. IF THE UK MOVED TO A USA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM? . I'd simply not get any insurance and let myself die instead. I'm not even worth the cost of a single pint of cheap larger a month. - Let alone a few hundred quid a month! AND I don't enjoy living anyway... So, "Fuck 'em!" If I had to pay or die? Then I choose death! .

What the hell is "leftover" bacon?

. Person 1: "Do you have any leftover bacon?" . Me: "What the hell is 'leftover' bacon?" . Person 1: "You know, Bacon that is 'leftover'- '" . Me: "What!?" . Person 1: "What? What part of That, Don't You understand?" . Me: "I understand the individual words, but you have put them in some weird ass nonsense order!" "Are you trying out some new weirdo surreal poetry?" "Is this some kind of joke I am not smart enough to understand?" "Is this a new street slang that I am too old and not cool about to know?" "Are you having a stroke?!" . Person 1: "Let us try This, a bit at a time..." "I will go slowly..." . Me: "Ok" . Person 1: "Do you? Ross Lombardi?" . Me "Ok, I am with you so far" . Person 1: "Have any bacon" . Me: "Got it, keep going" . Person 1: "That is..." . Me: "Ok so far...&q

History repeats forever

<shrug> History repeats forever We never learn anything or really ever morally progress as a species. It's all the same crap / different century - just made easier with machines. Which is why I am a Misanthrope. All of us humans innately totally suck! ...and we have far less so-called "divine spark", than a rancid pig turd. If I could save the human race from itself, I would actively choose not to. And If I could prevent anyone else from saving the human race, then I would. Everything ends eventually. Our time is now. It is time for us as a species to just fuck off!

School of Charm mentality

. I find the "School of Charm mentality" totally sickening!  - You will never find real love that way - Pretending to be someone else will just have you dating the wrong person and eventually end in a messy break-up! - Be yourself straight away and always! - It is far better to be with NO ONE than the WRONG ONE! .

Susan Catherine Chapman Lombardi of Redcar UK, can piss off and rot in hell!

! I dissent! Not speaking about anyone's situation but my own. Other people in other situations are their business. But... For Me personally. I am not giving some kind of golden justification ticket to my ex-wife who dumped me after 30 years of marriage. She can fuck right off with that shit. I will never voluntarily speak to her ever again. I will never forgive or forget the pain she has caused me. If she was lying injured in the street I'd walk away and not call any help for her and feel no guilt over my callousness. And anyone who knows me understands that my refusing to help anyone, (as I usually try and help everyone,) is as extreme a sentence as I can ever pass on to any person. And she is one of only two people in the entire world that I hold that policy to. The only other person is my violent wife-beating genetic father. So, That is how much I loathe her now... I loath her just as much as I hate my abusive blood father. That is how low she is to me now. Susan Catherine

Life and Living PRIZE List

  . Life and Living PRIZE List . A hundred 3rd place prizes - Multiple shag partners . A handful of 2nd place prizes - Some personnel strength of character . Two joint 1st place prizes - One romantic partner and you are both besotted with each other for life. . . And a billion runner-up token consolation prizes for everyone else, of buckets of greasy food, drink, maybe drugs and lying to themselves "that they don't need anyone" while secretly dying of loneliness. . Only getting the 3rd place prize is far from ideal - but it is far better than 'winning' nothing at all! Sometimes you just have to settle for what you can get out of life. Not everyone gets to win a first prize. Hell, Not everyone even gets to win one of the consolation prizes! . Most people don't get Anything at all! .



 . BEWARE THE TRAITOR! By Ross E F Lombardi . Loneliness and frustration lie to you. That young girl looking at you? Is NOT really looking at you, that way. Has Never looked at you, that way! . Beware the traitor that is your own primaeval nature. It is the outdated squishy brain software, Of a beast that no longer needs to exist. . Loneliness and frustration warp the mind. That sexy thing flirting with you? Is Never really flirting with you. Has never really flirted with you! . Be no one’s bad flashback. Be no one’s fear. Be no father’s nightmare. Nor any mother’s worry. . Loneliness and frustration are like ego-driven dry rot. Slowly trying to always creep its strands through your perceptions of reality. Those hints are NOT really hints? They were never really hints. It is all in your head! . It is better to die alone Then ever be some poor person’s, waking nightmare. And their suffering sickening memory. Then ever be TH

There appears to be a media blackout on this issue, which suggests that the UK government have put a block on the media reporting it.

. "Did you know when I was 18, the government made an agreement with me, that if I paid National Insurance every week, they would give me a pension when I was 60 I kept my end of the deal and am still paying in!! On the 5th and 6th of June, the UK Government may be made to give back the right to retire at 60 to all those women who worked and paid their National Insurance. Currently their pension payout is delayed until 66. We all know that the pension age for women born in the sixties has been raised. Did you know a campaign called ‘Back to 60 Movement’ has won the right to a Judicial Review and is taking the DWP to the High Court? On the 5th and 6th June they will attempt to get the 3.9 million women justice over non consultation in raising the pensionable age to 66 and above. Michael Mansfield QC will lead the case and the argument for the movement. However, there does not appear to be any media coverage regarding this significant event. That is why we’re raising the awareness

There are NO people in heaven

! - So many issues are made out to be a Man vs. woman type thing! - BUT REALLY - They are (almost) NEVER actually a Man vs. woman type thing! - They are almost ALL about the entire human race being "innately shit" type of thing instead! ! - ALL people are crap! ! IF THERE IS A HEAVAN AT ALL! - THEN There are NO people in heaven! Only Dogs would go to heaven! ! - People are ALL crap! Dogs are lovely!

In Defence of Evil

. In Defence of Evil . “Evil people” are needed! – They are “Vital”! "Goodness" cannot defend itself. It needs ‘evil’ to defend it against other ‘evil’. . Harming a fellow human being, in any way, shape or form, is Always wrong. No exceptions. ALL violence against a fellow human being, in any way, shape or form, is Always wrong. No exceptions. Killing a fellow human being is ALWAYS wrong. Absolutely NO Exceptions! . But if some were not willing to commit the ‘evil’ act of harming and killing other fellow human beings to defend the "good," THEN there would be no ‘good’ people! . …And don’t give me bullshit about what’s “legal” being the same as “what is right”. Because the ‘upper planes’ don’t give a VERY Literal “DAM” whose ‘rag on a stick’ you kill for or what political body ordered you or permitted you to harm other fellow humans. . Those who defend the ‘good’ often condemn themselves to some version of hell so ‘the gentle’, ‘the kind’, ‘the loving’, and ‘the holy

Getting Killed seems a hell of a lot better That dying slowly of old age!

. I have seen what old age did to my grandad, Who was a war hero. . I am seeing what old age is doing to my own mother, Who was once a powerful strong woman. . In comparison to THAT! In comparison to the horror and indignity of growing That old?! . In comparison... Getting beaten and kicked to death for not backing down, instead?! Does NOT seem all that bad! . Getting Killed seems a hell of a lot better That dying slowly of old age! .

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