Someone random individual,
(Who I would personally calmly disagree with)
Has placed a Free Yaxley-Lennon flypost of
the ‘Residential Parking Sign’ on My street.
Not all that unusual for this sort of area, unfortunately.
And this might be rather upsetting for minorities with young children who moved here recently.

But that is Not the reason for this post,
The reason for this post is the ‘small little noteworthy point’,
The point that some equally random individual,
Has chosen to slap their own response to the flypost on top of it.
Now obviously this is Reported here Purely Only for Documental Reasons because threats of violence against “Any Individual” or “any group” on the internet is a criminal offence.
But I must admit that if I ever happened to ever find out who it was, I would offer to buy them a pint!
Abby Palazzo
@ AbyPalaz
"Never do something because you feel like you should do it
If I saw that stupid racist
Tommy Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon,)
Trapped in a burning car?
If I saw that stupid racist
Tommy Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon,)
Trapped in a burning car?
Abby Palazzo
@ AbyPalaz
"Never do something because you feel like you should do it
The only reason to do something are because you want to or you need to."
I do NOT agree!
If I saw that stupid racist Tommy Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon) , trapped in a burning car.
What I would feel the “NEED” to do is “Watch him scream and burn”
What I feel the “WANT” to do is get some marshmallows out and enjoy some melted marshmallows on a stick over his screaming popping corpse.
I do NOT agree!
If I saw that stupid racist Tommy Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon) , trapped in a burning car.
What I would feel the “NEED” to do is “Watch him scream and burn”
What I feel the “WANT” to do is get some marshmallows out and enjoy some melted marshmallows on a stick over his screaming popping corpse.
While giggling.
What I “SHOULD” do is risk my own wellbeing to pull him out and make sure he is ok.
Personally, I keep feeling compelled (But hate I hate doing) what I “SHOULD” do!
What I “SHOULD” do is risk my own wellbeing to pull him out and make sure he is ok.
Personally, I keep feeling compelled (But hate I hate doing) what I “SHOULD” do!
I think in my particular case,
That may be,
Just maybe,
People should keep encouraging more to do what is feel is right over what I want to do!
Because my mind and soul are far too fucked up and damaged to follow some rainbow glitter path of happiness!
It is a “GOOD DAY” when I can be arsed about myself enough to bush my teeth and have some breakfast!
That may be,
Just maybe,
People should keep encouraging more to do what is feel is right over what I want to do!
Because my mind and soul are far too fucked up and damaged to follow some rainbow glitter path of happiness!
It is a “GOOD DAY” when I can be arsed about myself enough to bush my teeth and have some breakfast!
Because doing what right is an island that stands outside of yourself and your needs.
Doing what is right is NOT just about looking out for yourself and your own family (it never was).
Doing what is right IS about making the choices you do not want to make, for a reason's you do not want to make them!
Is Not about feeling "Good about yourself", "Getting pats on the back" or even getting a simple "Thank you."
Allot of the time it is making the choice to do things you loathe and hate for people you loathe and hate.
Becoming yourself both Loathed and Hated by everyone!
And feeling like crap that you ever felt compelled to do "the right thing" afterwards!
If you are given two moral choices and you are too rushed for adequate time to think it through.
Then Choose the one that you least like, cost you personally the most, and gives the least back!
Because the chances are that your so-called moral "Quandary" was just a piss poor excuse you told yourself in order to take the "Easy Path",
Rather than doing the "Harder" option that you secretly knew is right!
Other Sample Hypotheticals.
If you could go back in time to kill Hitler as a baby,
Would you do it?
Because you are still killing a baby!
Yes, he will grow to be one of the most reviled evil men who has ever lived in modern times,
You are not resposible for his actions!
You can only ever be resposivble for yours.
That is why I would still choose to pull that stupid racist Tommy Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon,) from that burning car.
If a terrorist, right-wing group or gangster threatens the public or your family if you dont comply,
Should you give in?
Because You are not resposible for their actions!
You can only ever be resposivble for yours.
Even as they press the little red button that harm or kills while screaming,
"You are makig me do this"
"This is on your head"
"This is your fault"
They are clearly just lying to themselves because they have not got the balls to accept responsibility for their actions.
They are holding the button,
They decided to press it,
It is no one else's fault but theirs,
And it remains fault alone!
They might as well be screaming,
"I am a potato called wolfy and I come from Magic Land"
But it still would not make it true.
If you found yourself in a fascist state,
Would you at the risk of your family,
Hide a persecuted minority in your attic?
It would be my decision to try and save lives.
If I and my family are arrested, tortured and killed that would be the decision of those authorities.
They are the ones torturing my family,
They decided to torture my family
It is no one else's fault but theirs,
And it remains fault alone!
What I did was illegal or even treason by their standards.
Morality and legality are NOT the same things!
They should be, but rarely ever are!
Other Sample Hypotheticals.
If you could go back in time to kill Hitler as a baby,
Would you do it?
Because you are still killing a baby!
Yes, he will grow to be one of the most reviled evil men who has ever lived in modern times,
You are not resposible for his actions!
You can only ever be resposivble for yours.
That is why I would still choose to pull that stupid racist Tommy Robinson (Yaxley-Lennon,) from that burning car.
If a terrorist, right-wing group or gangster threatens the public or your family if you dont comply,
Should you give in?
Because You are not resposible for their actions!
You can only ever be resposivble for yours.
Even as they press the little red button that harm or kills while screaming,
"You are makig me do this"
"This is on your head"
"This is your fault"
They are clearly just lying to themselves because they have not got the balls to accept responsibility for their actions.
They are holding the button,
They decided to press it,
It is no one else's fault but theirs,
And it remains fault alone!
They might as well be screaming,
"I am a potato called wolfy and I come from Magic Land"
But it still would not make it true.
If you found yourself in a fascist state,
Would you at the risk of your family,
Hide a persecuted minority in your attic?
It would be my decision to try and save lives.
If I and my family are arrested, tortured and killed that would be the decision of those authorities.
They are the ones torturing my family,
They decided to torture my family
It is no one else's fault but theirs,
And it remains fault alone!
What I did was illegal or even treason by their standards.
Morality and legality are NOT the same things!
They should be, but rarely ever are!
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