Definition of “Respect”
Definition of "Fear"
.So many thugs and villains claim to be having “respect” or to have somehow gained “Respect”, through intimidation and violence.
“I Need this gun because it is the only way to get Respect!”
So the bellow example makes clear what the differences actually are. (Paraphrased from a Terry Pratchett Book,)
Imagine two groups of fighters battling to the death.
Two squads of men trying to kill each other.
Group 1 is being led by a leader whose rules by Fear.
He may call it “Respect” but what it really is just plain Fear.
He bullies his men and is ruthless in his expression of anger.
Group 2 Is a leader whose men actually, Really Respect him.
Genuine Respect, not the version thugs think of when they misuse the term.
Both leaders fall in battle,
Both DEAD!
When the leader of Group 2 dies,
His Men fight harder! They want revenge for the Death of their beloved leader.
When the leader of Group 1 dies,
All his men go “SCREW THIS” and Run Away.
After all their former Leader can no longer punish them for failure now He is Dead.
So quick quiz: Who Had the Real Power out of the two Men?
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