Undue Russian based criminal influence everywhere?
Seemingly “own species”, suicidal resistance to protecting the environment?
Attacks on Net Neutrality?
Loads of different “Tin Foil Hat” type theories about the “Real Reason’s and Powers” behind terrorism.?
Cyber Wars?
International shifts toward more right-wing politics?
Blurred edged between the elected state and international business interest?
All the Fakes News?
The very bones of scientific fact, being dismissed in favour of Pseudo-Science or even outright superstition?
There is obviously some indistinct larger picture happening.
A vague, hazy shape in the midst, I can almost but not quite see,
The Fact is we NEVER going to see the ‘Big Picture” in our lifetime!
(Even those who ‘think’ they are secretly in control cannot see it, despite what they keep telling themselves!)
But If we happen to survive to even have any form of civilisation in a 250 year time. Then this will be a really interesting period of history for our decedents to study.
Ours will be a historical period open to lots of kick arse books and historical debate.
I truly envy the perspective given by the distance in time, that our species will have on today's events.
I feel a little sad that my curiosity will never be satisfied.
Because I bet the real overall truth when it is revealed,
Will be a far more fantastical and surprising twist than any of us can even hope to guess!
Attacks on Net Neutrality?
Loads of different “Tin Foil Hat” type theories about the “Real Reason’s and Powers” behind terrorism.?
Cyber Wars?
International shifts toward more right-wing politics?
Blurred edged between the elected state and international business interest?
All the Fakes News?
The very bones of scientific fact, being dismissed in favour of Pseudo-Science or even outright superstition?
There is obviously some indistinct larger picture happening.
A vague, hazy shape in the midst, I can almost but not quite see,
The Fact is we NEVER going to see the ‘Big Picture” in our lifetime!
(Even those who ‘think’ they are secretly in control cannot see it, despite what they keep telling themselves!)
But If we happen to survive to even have any form of civilisation in a 250 year time. Then this will be a really interesting period of history for our decedents to study.
Ours will be a historical period open to lots of kick arse books and historical debate.
I truly envy the perspective given by the distance in time, that our species will have on today's events.
I feel a little sad that my curiosity will never be satisfied.
Because I bet the real overall truth when it is revealed,
Will be a far more fantastical and surprising twist than any of us can even hope to guess!
It may be impossible to see the big picture
Just for giggles lets have a go.
<Tageting my big immature brain to the task!>
<Traget acquired,>
<Iniciate pattern assembly,>
“They” are buying all the gold.
They Are resorting to worldwide corruption and manipulation to grab as much cash as possible as quickly as they can without becoming suspicious,
In order to buy yet more gold.
Not to hoard wealth but because of innate properties of Gold.
Because Gold along with a large amount of Asbestos is needed to build a large underground shelter for “chosen” to survive the environmental cataclysm that is coming.
(Because despite all the public environmentalism, our Earth is in fact, beyond the point of no return, and cannot ever be saved now!)
Such a cataclysm would have to do with something intense heat,
Possible Indicators.
(The gold “bubble” that spurred all these “Cash for Gold” adverts, Should have bust by now, and seen a comparative crash in price. I have not!)
(There has been a significant increase in Asbestos mining and production despite world health restrictions BEFORE many have those restrictions started to be lifted.)
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