I Desperately Need to tell someone this,
PLEASE PLEASE don’t tell My Wife Susan!
I will tell Her Myself eventually but I need to figure out how first!
I have had a bit of a mental rough patch lately and this caused me to do something shameful, selfish and stupid!
I went for an afternoon coffee in Redcar town, to just get out of the house,
I found myself talking to a fairly attractive woman,
After about half an hour of conversation, She mentioned to me that she was a Prostitute,
And that she would do “Anything” for £25!
Although I am happily married I had a moment of weakness and took her home,
(My wife was at work and the kids are at school.)
To my shame, I paid her £25 pounds,
And to cut a long story short.....
One of my low-level World of Warcraft Characters is now 25 levels higher!
I would like to take this opportunity to say I am deeply ashamed of myself and beg both My Alliance Guild AND The Fine people at Blizzard Games for forgiveness.....
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