Net neutrality is NOT about being able to get hold of porn,
Or not having to pay a premium for using a “Social media package”
It is about control of information and access to knowledge.
After 5 years of losing Net Neutrality will we still be able to reveal political scandals and corruption the way we take for granted now?
Of course not!
If there was nothing to be gained, then why are they trying so hard to do it?
To the people on the Right I say:
This is far worse for you than “losing your guns”
And it will be so much easier afterwards, to take your guns next if they choose?
How will you defend your first amendment rights if your voice cannot be heard?
To the people on the left I say
This is far worse for you than might realise, also.
How will you be able to fight medical, environmental, and food production corruption if you voice cannot be heard?
If the companies concerned buy enough advertising space, how impartial can the new “Owned” internet possibly be?
You may always maintain the right to physically stand on a soapbox in the town square shouting.
But that does not mean after the end of Net Neutrality that those owning the NET, HAVE to let you have your say on THIER OWNED internet resources!
Any more than a privately owned newspaper does today!
If you think freedom of speech is guaranteed then try getting an article published today in a national paper that does not correspond with its “Editorial Policy”!
If you think you are swamped with Fake News now?
Just wait until Net Neutrality goes!
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