23rd NOV 2019
A possible definition of the term “Powerhouse”??
By “powerhouse” they actually mean we are an untapped resource of a population so desperate for employment that they will accept almost any work conditions and lower wages!
It is the economic equivalent of describing a single person to a friend, as having a “Bubbling Personality”!
Many may think I have used the wrong sort of "To" on the
'Redcar Edwardian Clock' face:
It is a fair assumption,
I am dyslexic after all!
But also consider that the weather vain points SOUTH in ALL directions
That LATE can also be an acronym for
Monday At The Hope
Written on a Monday karaoke night, Oct 2022, at the Hop and Grape Pub in Redcar.
By Ross E F Lombardi
… Here to sing out a broken heart
Karaoke exorcism for the soul
All about me and my pain
Then I pause and look around me…
I am not the only broken heart here
Each face,
Each Song sung says the same.
Sullen faces filled with hidden agony
Whether man, woman or fucking gender X
I am not alone
For a sea of broken hearts surround me…
I "could" cry in shocked horror because my children and pets might have gotten to this bag first!
But no one would give two shits.
I bet some will be far more pissed off when this is publicly mentioned, as to why their property values might go down or even create negative equity.
Because peoples priorities will always be based on self-interest
Nice weather next week,
I might try and visit Saltburn’s famous 208 m “Horizontal Tower”.
As a Northerner, do you also find it batshit crazy that Southerners make Northern England jokes at the expense of people from Manchester?!
Lee Mack, for instance, is NOT a Northerner!
There is a big difference between the middle of something and the North of something!
It is like taking the piss out of someone's hairstyle while pointing and giggling at their belly button!
UPDATE 26th FEB 2020
"Excuse me, your honour?"
"But I am only a mere thickie E2 underclass skutter from a run-down seaside town, where every fourth shop is bordered up."
"Whose entire local steel industry was destroyed by our government,"
"I already fully understand what 'CONDESCENDING”' means,"
"But, I am not reliably told that I am not very bright, so can you pretty please explain to me what the word 'WORK' means??"
"And while you are at it, can you also cover the words "PRIDE" "HEALTH" and "DIGNITY",
“Thank, you sir…”
The loan ghost of hope haunts the Victorian Two Hundred- and Eight-Meter Horizontal Tower
She Haunts the Old Tower of Saltburn.
Looking out to sea
Cruel, invisible winds whip at her dress and hair
She Weeps, crying for her lost desire
Her hopes, now, forever lost…
Unable to ever move on from her eternal longing
Ever in limbo…
… Of ever getting a REAL PROPER Pier in nearby Redcar!
A Missing page from a Victorian
sketch journal
a day of sketching the surrounding area,
heat of that day's sun must have given me a bit of a turn
was a bad night
I had a curiously strange dream of this Redcar By Sea
was, almost as it was and should be, as the day before
now it was dominated by an unsightly mysterious tower
clearly did not belong to this world
eldritch unnatural thing seemed to mock us all
felt a dread fear within me as I looked upon its grotesque hideousness.
there was also a rainbow given, almost as a sign of modest hope.
disturbing visage now thankfully fades from me in these waking hours…
Excuse me, sir?
<Raising my hand>
But I come from the North East of the UK...
Can you tell me...?
What is a "Job"? exactly?
I heard rumours and myths, but I never thought they actually existed!?
Is it anything like shoplifting but legal, full time and with paid holidays?
Or is that only if you work in a bank,
Where ‘legal theft’ not only allowed but is actively encouraged??
I would love to say I am,
“Asking for a friend”
But as I am a thoroughly sarcastic, patronising, condescending total wanker,
It is obvious, that I do not tolerate the indulgence of friends in my life.
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