Please explain,
To help educate my silly thick small brain!
Please explain,
To help educate my silly thick small brain!
An Open Note To Israel:
The Idea of a “Magic Ticket"
Is Utter Bull Crap!
This may shock people who think me and my wife Susan are meant for each other,
Once upon a time, I was actually engaged to be married to another woman long before I had met my present wife.
And ‘yes’, I was head over heels in love with her.
Unfortunately, she had been emotionally harmed by historic child abuse by a “friend” of her family.
And at that time I was the only one she had ever told.
Due to this, she became more and more emotionally abusive and unpleasant to me.
It seemed the closer we got the more she felt she had to sabotage us as a couple.
And while with other past girlfriends I would have thought “Screw this shit,” and left.
Because of the horrendous things in her past she had told me what had happened, I bent over backwards letting her get away with this behaviour.
Due to her terrible traumatic childhood, she had somehow gained a “licence” Or “Magic Ticket” to emotionally scar me.
Obviously now I am older and wiser I realise that this emotionally blackmailing argument was total bullshit!
This may shock people who think me and my wife Susan are meant for each other,
Once upon a time, I was actually engaged to be married to another woman long before I had met my present wife.
And ‘yes’, I was head over heels in love with her.
Unfortunately, she had been emotionally harmed by historic child abuse by a “friend” of her family.
And at that time I was the only one she had ever told.
Due to this, she became more and more emotionally abusive and unpleasant to me.
It seemed the closer we got the more she felt she had to sabotage us as a couple.
And while with other past girlfriends I would have thought “Screw this shit,” and left.
Because of the horrendous things in her past she had told me what had happened, I bent over backwards letting her get away with this behaviour.
Due to her terrible traumatic childhood, she had somehow gained a “licence” Or “Magic Ticket” to emotionally scar me.
Obviously now I am older and wiser I realise that this emotionally blackmailing argument was total bullshit!
That the things she reported had happened,
I am 100% sure ALL that was true!
BUT the argument that because you have been horribly mistreated give you a “Magic Ticket” to harm others is the “Bullshit” part!
(For reference watch King Foo Panda 2.)
I around me all the time I others do this to different degrees.
Writing themselves the same “Magic Ticket” to act in an immoral unempathetic fashion, using horrors of their past to justify it!
Not just in individuals but in entire groups!
For instance, being part of a minority that is still affected by social injustice perpetrated 50 years ago does NOT give a “Magic Ticket” to steal, mug, and kill, from the descendants of the people that did the oppression.
Americans of African descent don’t get a “Magic Ticket” to home invade a white family home and kill and rape everyone!
The particular gang-involved my tell themselves that they do but the argument, (Just as my ex-girlfriends' argument) was effective “Bullshit!”
Yes, the Holocaust did happen and was one of the greatest evils ever done!
It is a part of the history of the human species that would make any correct thinking person blood boil in anger inside.
Especially when you consider that children were not spared!
I keep having nightmare visions of being in a position of watching my child or toddler starve to death while only a wire fence away well-fed guards of my own country are cracking jokes!
But again like my Ex-girlfriend,
It does not write you a moral “Magic Ticket” to steal other people shit!
It does not justify the crap Israel is pulling in Palestine!
A worst-case scenario is that for some, it will detract from the horrors and injustice of the Nazi horrors in their minds.
Thus in a very real way, by treating the Palestinians as “Things” rather than fellow Human Beings, you are showing the highest possible disrespect to Holocaust victims and their suffering.
Because the Nazis reduced human Beings to “Mere Things” too!
There is a marked difference between being an “Apologist” and speaking up for “World Peace”
Almost all Cultures, Races, Faiths and Tribes have done horrendous terrible things to some other Cultures, Races, Faiths and Tribes.
But if we ever hope to even dare to dream of peace we have to forgive and move beyond the past but without forgetting or marginalising its vital lessons.
Someone, somewhere at some time has to yell “Stop!” first!
Otherwise, you get a victimised, previously disenfranchised culture becoming the persecutors and human rights violators of a future culture.
As we can clearly currently see happening now!
And so on,
And so on,
Until the end of time!
See also
The Forgotten Stories of Muslims Who Saved Jewish People During the Holocaust
On the TIME website
BUT the argument that because you have been horribly mistreated give you a “Magic Ticket” to harm others is the “Bullshit” part!
(For reference watch King Foo Panda 2.)
I around me all the time I others do this to different degrees.
Writing themselves the same “Magic Ticket” to act in an immoral unempathetic fashion, using horrors of their past to justify it!
Not just in individuals but in entire groups!
For instance, being part of a minority that is still affected by social injustice perpetrated 50 years ago does NOT give a “Magic Ticket” to steal, mug, and kill, from the descendants of the people that did the oppression.
Americans of African descent don’t get a “Magic Ticket” to home invade a white family home and kill and rape everyone!
The particular gang-involved my tell themselves that they do but the argument, (Just as my ex-girlfriends' argument) was effective “Bullshit!”
Yes, the Holocaust did happen and was one of the greatest evils ever done!
It is a part of the history of the human species that would make any correct thinking person blood boil in anger inside.
Especially when you consider that children were not spared!
I keep having nightmare visions of being in a position of watching my child or toddler starve to death while only a wire fence away well-fed guards of my own country are cracking jokes!
But again like my Ex-girlfriend,
It does not write you a moral “Magic Ticket” to steal other people shit!
It does not justify the crap Israel is pulling in Palestine!
A worst-case scenario is that for some, it will detract from the horrors and injustice of the Nazi horrors in their minds.
Thus in a very real way, by treating the Palestinians as “Things” rather than fellow Human Beings, you are showing the highest possible disrespect to Holocaust victims and their suffering.
Because the Nazis reduced human Beings to “Mere Things” too!
There is a marked difference between being an “Apologist” and speaking up for “World Peace”
Almost all Cultures, Races, Faiths and Tribes have done horrendous terrible things to some other Cultures, Races, Faiths and Tribes.
But if we ever hope to even dare to dream of peace we have to forgive and move beyond the past but without forgetting or marginalising its vital lessons.
Someone, somewhere at some time has to yell “Stop!” first!
Otherwise, you get a victimised, previously disenfranchised culture becoming the persecutors and human rights violators of a future culture.
As we can clearly currently see happening now!
And so on,
And so on,
Until the end of time!
See also
The Forgotten Stories of Muslims Who Saved Jewish People During the Holocaust
On the TIME website
To religious people.
'Are you a person of Faith'?
'But taking other peoples Land'?
Does GOD care about our “Human Laws”?
Does GOD recognise your mere moral government's authority?
Does Making it “Legal” make it either “Right” Or any less a Sin, in Gods Eyes?
You Sure?
Yes, the Holocaust did happen and was one of the greatest evils ever done!
Treating the Palestinians as “Things”?
Because the Nazis reduced human Beings to “Mere Things” too!
All Cultures have done horrendous terrible things to some other Cultures,
If we hope to even dare to dream of peace we have to forgive and move beyond the past but without forgetting or marginalising its vital lessons.
Someone, somewhere at some time has to yell “Stop!” first!
To religious people.
'Are you a person of Faith'?
'But taking other peoples Land'?
Does GOD care about our “Human Laws”?
Does GOD recognise your mere moral government's authority?
Does Making it “Legal” make it either “Right” Or any less a Sin, in Gods Eyes?
You Sure?
Yes, the Holocaust did happen and was one of the greatest evils ever done!
Treating the Palestinians as “Things”?
Because the Nazis reduced human Beings to “Mere Things” too!
All Cultures have done horrendous terrible things to some other Cultures,
If we hope to even dare to dream of peace we have to forgive and move beyond the past but without forgetting or marginalising its vital lessons.
Someone, somewhere at some time has to yell “Stop!” first!
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