Keep with me, this makes a good point eventually...
Imagine you are a top-ranking thug in a gang!
(You may choose LA street or London Firm for your imagination to use, whichever you find easier.)
You are in fact the fifth hardest, the strongest member of that gang!
But for some reason, you decide you want out.
You feel your safe because you are the fifth biggest meanest gang member.
BUT there are 4 members bigger than you plus you are outnumbered by all the other gang members!
The gang (like all groups, of any sort) is only as strong as its membership.
If enough gang members leave then the gang dissolves!
The leaders need to make sure other members don’t get any silly ideas about leaving as well, so their ONLY tactical option is to make an example out of you!
To scare the rest of the gang into line!
So what will happen is,
(even though you’re the fifth biggest member)
That the police will find your skinned tortured corpse displayed in a kids playground as both very public warning to other members and show their strength to the rest of the city!
Being the fifth biggest gangster will not be enough to defend you from the combined might of the other four stronger members plus all their other foot soldiers!
(Even if your part in this gang movie is played by The Rock or Jason Statham!)
<Although obviously, Chuck Norris could do it!>
We may be the fifth strongest economy,
(the gang effect).
.Keep with me, this makes a good point eventually...
Imagine you are a top-ranking thug in a gang!
(You may choose LA street or London Firm for your imagination to use, whichever you find easier.)
You are in fact the fifth hardest, the strongest member of that gang!
But for some reason, you decide you want out.
You feel your safe because you are the fifth biggest meanest gang member.
BUT there are 4 members bigger than you plus you are outnumbered by all the other gang members!
The gang (like all groups, of any sort) is only as strong as its membership.
If enough gang members leave then the gang dissolves!
The leaders need to make sure other members don’t get any silly ideas about leaving as well, so their ONLY tactical option is to make an example out of you!
To scare the rest of the gang into line!
So what will happen is,
(even though you’re the fifth biggest member)
That the police will find your skinned tortured corpse displayed in a kids playground as both very public warning to other members and show their strength to the rest of the city!
Being the fifth biggest gangster will not be enough to defend you from the combined might of the other four stronger members plus all their other foot soldiers!
(Even if your part in this gang movie is played by The Rock or Jason Statham!)
<Although obviously, Chuck Norris could do it!>
We may be the fifth strongest economy,
But tactically the EU will have no other option (if it wants to survive) than to make a frightening example of us, to the rest of the world!
We are not just going to get simply a bad deal,
We are gonna get economically skinned and displayed!
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We are not just going to get simply a bad deal,
We are gonna get economically skinned and displayed!
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